Resumes are a pivotal component of a job application. It consists of all the necessary information that a candidate wants their employer t know. For the same reason, it is very crucial to have a resume that is updated. The trends in the job market are changing over time, just like technology.
Therefore, a resume format of five years ago would not help to sustain the competition. Know the trends that are followed in the resume writing styles to keep up with the changes.
- Skills over promises
In the 2021 market, the recruiters give importance to the skills of a candidate than their promises. Experiences matter more than anything, and it has the potential to sell yourself most effectively. Other skills like personality, communication skills, teamwork, and leadership are very crucial in the game. However, they need relevant experiences to support the claims rather than just being on the papers.
- It’s not about objectives Anymore
Earlier, resumes focused on the inclusion of, “objectives”, which talked about one objective to find a job. However, it is not the case anymore as organizations give more priority to experiences in the current scenarios. Therefore professional summary has replaced objectives in the 2021 trend. It will include the character traits of a person, their experiences, all of them, written specifically for the particular job description.
The professional summary is meant to create a great first impression on the reader and allure them to keep reading. This section should be written carefully. Make sure the language used is free from grammatical errors and has consistency and flow. Try to give more examples of your claims so that the reader finds them convincing.
- Be Short and Simple
At most organization’s, the resumes would be first reviewed, by an analytical system or a lower level form. They may not be aware of any technical aspects of the job positions, and too much sophistication can only cause more harm in such a situation. Therefore, be sure to use simple languages than can be understood by everybody.
One page resume is advocated even now, as it would only be skimming through the recruited for about 10 to 15 seconds. Hence, make sure to include authentic information that is catchy and appreciable to that particular job role. Make sure that the resume is ATS friendly and does not sound too much technical. It is crucial to decide on the number of keywords that are used in the resume and cover letter. Too much can appear obvious and desperate, and too little can sound unsuitable.
- Make Sure the format is Proper
Not all companies use the ATS mode to analyze the resume. On the other hand, even if pdf is the most commonly chosen format to save a resume, it won’t read in an ATS system. Therefore, significance must be given in saving a document in both these file formats. The name of the file, also plays a crucial role, and must be saved in the following format:
First Name, Last Name, Desired Position
Example: Jo Jacob, System Analyst
A resume is a very crucial thing, and it has the power to impress a person. Never rush while preparing a resume. Take time to plan, arrange and finalise what every you need to include in a resume. Never forget to align with contemporary trends.